ScienceProtect is a customizable platform: in an eye blink you can visualize and monitor your portfolio of chemicals.
Our algorithms are sophisticated to make your life easier!
ScienceProtect is a customizable platform: in an eye blink you can visualize and monitor your portfolio of chemicals.
We monitor more than 22 000 chemicals, and we can add to our database any chemical of interest for your business.
Which chemicals are endocrine disruptors?
Which food additives or cosmetic ingredients are of high concern in the scientific community?
We take care of everything! Our team builds custom projects including all the chemicals you need to monitor. Each user get his personal portfolio of projects to monitor his activity. We define the parameters of the algorithms, the level of sensitivity needed, the frequency of safety bulletins and that’s it. You receive alerts only when something relevant is detected by the algorithms.
Direct access to the data is for users wanting to monitor chemicals by themselves. With this solution you can benchmark to competitors and scroll through a large number of chemicals. You can select individual categories of products to monitor (cosmetics, pesticides, food additives…) or a global access in order to get the best solution to suit your needs. You can also create custom projects to monitor a portfolio of specifics products.
For customers with a specific one of need, our team can extract relevant data and build specific reports answering to your questions on chemicals.
To define a clean label strategy, a risk prevention strategy or before an investment in a new business, we can provide you the accurate information and data to make the right decision.
Identification et cartographie des risques liés à l’activité. Détermination de listes de substances autorisées ou de black lists.
Identification et cartographie des risques, identification des risques sur les produits de substitution, benchmark de la concurrence.
Analyse du marché sur un secteur, évolution du risque, identification des produits les plus à risque…